Perfect Skin By Your Wedding Day
During the month of Love, it’s time to be Wedding Ready! Yes, we realize your special day may not be for another 4-6 months, however, achieving perfect skin for your day may take 2-6 months. Here is a timeline to help make your wedding day blemish free.
6 Months Prior – See your dermatologist to discuss any skin issues you may have such as acne, brown spots, uneven tone, blackheads, and even excessive sweating (we’re the docs for that too!). If you have excessive underarm sweating, there is now a permanent solution with the MiraDry procedure. 2 Treatments spaced 6 months apart can leave you sweat-ring free.
5 Months Prior – Start (if you haven’t already) a skin regimen to help clarify your skin issues. The skin takes about 1 month to cycle from the bottom layer to the top, so it can take several months to get clear. Vitamin A retinoids, such as Renova, are good for pore size, fine lines, and controlling adult acne.
4 Months Prior – Consider getting a SilkPeel Microdermabrasion, or PCA Peel once a month to clear acne or reduce brown spots.
3 Months Prior – Check out your wrinkles between your brows – no one wants to squint or look stressed in wedding photos. Try Dysport to relax those muscles so you look fresh for your big day. One treatment lasts 3-4 months.
2 Months Prior – See your dermatologist if you have any stubborn skin blemishes that aren’t fading. Lasers and other treatments can help to fade them.
1 Month Prior – Get plenty of rest, exercise, and drink lots of water. Your skin will glow!